The jaw crusher is the main component of the crushing plant. It incorporates an electrical motor to dive a rotating shaft that throws the stones and rocks. Inside the chassis of the machine, there are two or tree impact plates where the rocks and stones impact and are broken to obtain smaller parts. The maximum size of the stones at the output of the jaw crushes is fixed by te out opening size. Motor speed can var from 180 to 700r.p.m.
A jaw crusher uses components that have an import wear. If the parts are not renewed fequenty machine performance can be dramatically affected and, in the worst case mechnical damage may occur. Diffeent sensors are needed to monitor the machne performance.
Another import problem of these machines is the obstruction of the crushing chamber caused when the stones feeding rate is higher than the crusher output rate. In order to avoid the obstruction of the machine by the level or size of the stones, it is very imporant to monitor and control these parameters and sychronize the crusher operation and te stone's feeding device speed. Such control will avoid the cruher component breadown includng te electric motor. Sometimes it would be necessary to stop the motor. In addition, jaw crushing machines work in hard conditions and require intensive maintenace servcie. This aspect is very import in any produtive plant to avoid stop the plant, which meas big loss of money.
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Camelway HZS25 Concrete Plant has arrived in Peru. The clients are satisfied with our equipment.