Concrete consumption at construction sites amounts to hundreds of cubic meters. A good concrete batch plant will solve this problem. concrete batch plant will satisfy the requirements of developers and suppliers of building materials. The finished products of concrete batch plants are suitable for the construction of monolithic foundations, the arrangement of floors, walkways, platforms and blind areas, the construction of houses and road surfaces. Camelway Machinery offers the manufacture of concrete batch plants and equipment with a capacity of up to 480m³ per hour.
The cost of a concrete batch plant is the sum of the cost of a full set of equipment, include additional options and delivery. To order the production of concrete batch plants of camelway machinery, fill out an application on the website. Our manager will provide the necessary information on delivery, customs and documentation.
Include a self introduction and special requests(if any) for better quotations.
Camelway HZS25 Concrete Plant has arrived in Peru. The clients are satisfied with our equipment.